Samuel Morse's first message: -.-- / --- / .-.. / ---

An Introduction to Morse Code

Invented by Samuel F. B. Morse as a simple way to contact your mistress without Mrs. Morse knowing, Morse Code converts letters into combinations of the sounds "dits" ("dots") and dahs ("dashes") and is popular among sinking ships, the Boy Scouts of America, and run-on sentences. The most famous Morse code transmission is SOS (Save Our Shit). Learning Morse Code is as simple as dit dah, dah dit dit dit, dah dit dah dit. To learn more about Morse Code, visit our website at Luggage Tuesdays dit com.

Most Popular Morse Code joke (translated into English by the author)
Comedic beats are equivalent to the length of three dits or one dah.

Pete Transmission and RePete Transmission are on a boat. Pete Transmission fell off. Who remained?
RePete Transmission.
Pete Transmission and RePete Transmission are on a boat. Pete Transmission fell off. Who remained?

Least Popular Morse Code joke
Why did Samuel Morse take his telegraph to the mechanic? Because it had a bad transmission.

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