10 Mitt Romney Jokes (Post-Election Special)

1. Q. Why did Mitt Romney cross the road? A. Who's Mitt Romney? 

2. Q. Why does Mitt Romney wear red suspenders?  A. Who's Mitt Romney?

3. Q. What do you get when you cross Mitt Romney with Anne Romney? A. Some strangers' kids?

4. Q. Why did Mitt Romney throw a clock out the window? A. Who threw a clock out a window?  

5. Q. Why did Mitt Romney throw butter out the window? A. Who threw butter out a window?  

6. Q. What did Mitt Romney say to the crossing guard? A. "Who's Mitt Romney?"

7. Q. How can you fit 500 Mitt Romneys in a Volkswagon? A. La Machine - also, who's Mitt Romney and what's a La Machine? 

8. Q. Did you hear about Mitt Romney's voyage to the sun? A. No. 

9. Q. Did you hear about Mitt Romney's submarine? A. No.

10. Q. Why does Mitt Romney drive on the left side of the street? A. Who's Mitt Romney?

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