Did You Hear About the Three Holes in the Ground?

Did you hear about the three holes in the ground?
Well, well, well.

Did you hear about the 47 holes in the ground?
Well, well, well,...(con't)

Did you hear about the hole in the ground shaped like the letter O?
O well.

Did you hear about the hole in the ground dug into the ore deposit that makes water hallucinogenic?
Drink the water now, and in the future, experience an Ore Well-ian nightmare.

Did you hear about the Morgans?
Winds up the upscale urban couple witnessed a crime and got relocated to the rural sticks. To learn more, visit www.didyouhearaboutthemorgans.com.

Did you hear about that hole in the ground?
Some say the hole began as a well, but construction was abandoned halfway through. Others say the hole is the only remains of an early 20th century outhouse. Most, though, don't think much about holes in the ground. I don't find the humor in something as trivial as a hole in the ground.

Did you hear about the moron who threw a clock out the window?
Yes. It was my clock. That moron owes me a new clock.

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