Let's Sing About This Holiday
I'm at the mall
And I'm hearing songs.
Songs about this holiday.
This holiday.
I'm on the public library's media department's offline communal computer
And I'm ripping songs.
Songs about this holiday.
This holiday.
I'm outside your house
And I'm singing songs.
Songs about this holiday.
This holiday.
Let's sing about this holiday.
Let's sing.
Let's sing.
Let's sing about this hol-i-day,
Until my ears bleed blood.
Holiday Hop
Hop hop hop at the
Associated with this hop holiday.
Hop hop hop at the
Office party
Associated with this hop hop holiday.
Hop hop hop at the
Public shorelines
Associated with this hop hop hop,
Hop hop hop holiday.
Bop. Bop. Holiday hop.
Bop. Bop. Holiday hop.
Chorus x 8
Holiday Flag
(while standing, hands visible)
I promise loyalty
To the pennant
Of this holiday,
And to the democracy
For which it stands for,
One holiday under God,
With independence
And fairness for every one.
Flag. Flag. Holiday flag.
Flag. Flag. Holiday flag.
Chorus x 8
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